Search Results
81 search results matching particle model
- Arithmetic (HTML5)
- Arithmetic
- Build an Atom (HTML5)
- Build an Atom
- Davisson-Germer: Electron Diffraction
- Electric Field of Dreams
- Friction (HTML5)
- Friction
- Maze Game
- Membrane Channels
- Models of the Hydrogen Atom
- Molecule Shapes (HTML5)
- Molecule Shapes
- Photoelectric Effect
- Quantum Bound States
- Quantum Wave Interference
- Rutherford Scattering
- Self-Driven Particle Model
- Signal Circuit
- Sound
- States of Matter
- Wave Particle Duality
- Rutherford Scattring Simulation
- States of Matter Basics
- Using the particle model to explain states of matter
- Kinetic Molecular theory review
- Model of the Hydrogen Atom Handout
- Testing Ideas from Classical and Quantum Physics
- Models of Hydrogen Exploration
- Models of Atom
- Greenhouse gases - sense making by observing photons
- Modeling Friction (Inquiry Based)
- Rutherford Scattering--Building the Atomic Model Activity
- Introduction to Energy Model
- Entropy, Microstates, and Probability - Interactive Lecture Demonstration Guide
- Photoelectric Effect
- Intermolecular Forces and Molecules - Interactive Lecture Demonstration
- Reactions and Rates 1 Introduction to reactions (Inquiry Based)
- Bohr model of the atom for Chemistry
- Model of the Hydrogen Atom - Exploration
- Intermolecular Forces and States of Matter - Interactive Lecture Demonstration
- Saturated Solutions - Interactive Lecture Demonstration
- Modeling Gravity
- Basic Electricity: short inquiry activities includes ideas for several sims
- Neuron - an inquiry lesson idea
- Measuring waves using wave on a string model
- Introduction to Light & Color
- The Photoelectric Effect and Work Functions
- Modeling a linear simple harmonic oscillator
- PhET LAB Beta (IB 7.2)
- PhET LAB Alpha (IB 7.2)
- Understanding the Photoelectric Effect
- Atomic models homework (Inquiry based)
- Molecules Are Made Up of Atoms
- Molecule Shapes- inquiry
- Sound: An Introduction (Inquiry Based)
- Reactions and Rates 3: Introduction to Equilibrium (Inquiry Based)
- Build a Molecule
- Build an Atom
- How do PhET simulations fit in my middle school program?
- Alignment of PhET sims with NGSS
- Atomic Models and Spectroscopy
- Electric Field Hockey Homework
- Build an Atom WebLab
- Gases Understanding physical properties of gases (Inquiry Based)
- MS and HS TEK to Sim Alignment
- Heat Intro
- Build an Atom: Introduction
- Build an Atom
- LeChateilier's Principle - Concentration
- Natural Selection Lesson
- States of Matter - Lab Simulation - student procedures and questions
- Molecule Shapes Advanced
- The Covalent Bond Between Two Atoms
- Chemistry Theater
- The Two-Slit Experiment
- Greased Lightning
- Spinometer
- Making use of the Sound Simulations
- circuits in parallel and in series
- Build an Ion Inquiry Activity