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Physics Education Technology - University of Colorado, Boulder

Archive for October, 2012

10th Anniversary Newsletter with an Interview of Founder and Nobel Laureate, Carl Wieman

Screenshot of the October 2012 PhET newsletter

Have you seen our special 10th Anniversary October 2012 newsletter?

In it, you’ll find all the latest news on new simulations, upcoming events and what’s to come, along with a special interview of Founder and Nobel Laureate, Carl Wieman. Read about how and why he started PhET.

If you didn’t receive it in your e-mail and want future newsletters, sign up at our website.


Oct 29


Build a Fraction: the Latest Addition to our Math Collection

Build a Fraction

Build fractions from shapes and numbers to earn stars in this fractions game or explore in the Fractions Lab. Challenge yourself on any level you like. Try to collect lots of stars!

Help keep new sims coming: Donate to PhET’s Annual Campaign today.


Oct 23


Improved Molecule Shapes and Molecule Shapes: Basics Sims Now Available

Molecule Shapes

Did you try Molecule Shapes or Molecule Shapes: Basics, but couldn’t get it to run on your computer?

Well, try again! We’ve reprogrammed it to work with many older graphics cards. So if you’re still having troubles, please let us know so we can ensure that it works for everyone.

Help bring PhET to tablets: Donate to PhET’s Annual Campaign today.


Oct 17


An Interview with Dr. Kathy Perkins on the Social Innovation Conversations Channel

Listen to our Director, Dr. Kathy Perkins, speak with host Sheela Sethuraman on Social Innovation Conversations. Social Innovations Conversations is part of The Center for Social Innovations, a department at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, that educates leaders to solve the world’s toughest social and environmental issues.


Oct 11


PhET on Colorado Public Radio

Did you get to listen to PhET on Colorado Public Radio today? If not, listen to how PhET is used in a Colorado Classroom at|Science_in_Colorado_Classrooms_Big_Bang_or_Black_Hole_Part_1_Build_An_Atom


Oct 4


Learning Through Simulations Webinar

On Sept. 17th, Trish Loeblein, PhET K-12 Specialist, participated in a webinar, Learning Through Simulations, that discussed how simulations are used in industry and government, and how schools can use simulations to develop “better employees”. On the CoLearning Network page, scroll down to Previous Webinars to:

9-17-12: Learning Through Simulations
Mike Vaughan, whose company designs complex, extended simulations for companies and organizations, discusses the power of simulations to support “value-skills” learning (decision-making, solving complex problems, and collaboration) through safely real experiences that enable learners to think creatively, collaboratively, and critically.


Oct 3