See How to Use the Features of Balancing Chemical Equations
Have you seen the video primer for Balancing Chemical Equations? See how to use the Intro and Game panels as well as how you can use the simulation to challenge your students.
Have you seen the video primer for Balancing Chemical Equations? See how to use the Intro and Game panels as well as how you can use the simulation to challenge your students.
See Area Builder‘s video primer to learn about how you can use this sim to teach students about area and perimeter. Students can explore with rectangular and irregular shapes, discover the relationship between area and perimeter, and apply fractional knowledge as they build shapes with a given area and perimeter.
Try the HTML5 Fraction Matcher simulation. Under For Teachers see the video primer to learn about Fraction Matcher’s features and uses. Need an activity? Scroll down to see the Teacher-Submitted Activities. Don’t forget that as a teacher, you’ll need to “Sign In” to access these features.
Teachers, as you go #backtoschool, check out #PhETsims teaching resources. These tips and activities can help you learn how best to use PhET in your instruction. Use the “Tips” button to find videos and written resources on integrating PhET. Easily search for teacher-submitted activities including labs, homework assignments, lectures, activities, and concept questions with the “Browse” button. Or, “Share” your activities with the PhET community.
We’ve added new teacher video primers to many of our HTML5 sims, and will have more on the way this fall! These video primers give a visual walkthrough of the features and common uses of a sim, as well as helpful information for using the sim to its fullest.
Sign in to our website today to start taking advantage of this new teacher resource! You’ll have to complete a new short registration process (less than two minutes!) to access the many new enhanced teacher support resources, including video primers, teacher-submitted activities, and commenting on activities.
Join Trish Loeblein Monday, July 13, 2015 8:00 PM EDT during a free webinar for the AAPT eMentoring program. Any one is welcome to attend. The AAPT eMentoring program is designed to connect high-school physics educators who desire additional guidance with experienced high-school physics educators. It is a free service that will enable colleagues to connect and learn regionally and nationally.
Join WebEx meeting:
Meeting number: 730 348 181
Meeting password: aapt
Note: You will be prompted to enter your name and an e-mail. You probably will not need to enter any meeting number or password, but they are provided for your reference.
Thanks to all who voted!
PhET received all 3 awards in the NSF 2015 Teaching and Learning Video Showcase: Presenters’ choice, Facilitators’ choice, and Public choice.
We couldn’t have won without you!
The ability to balance chemical equations is a foundational skill in chemistry. This week Yuen-ying Carpenter, Emily Moore, and Director, Kathy Perkins will be available to discuss employing guided-inquiry activities along with PhET simulations to teach students skills in balancing chemical equations. Please join the discussion at
Congratulations to Conifer Chemistry Teacher and PhET K12 Specialist, Trish Loeblein, on her retirement from teaching!
Trish has been a dedicated teacher for over 30 years, and a member of the PhET team for the last 10, helping design over 50 simulations and contributing over 130 guided-inquiry-based activities along with many teacher resources! Her activities are the most popular in our database with more than 900,000 downloads in the past year. In addition, she has run numerous teacher workshops and webinars, both locally and nationally. Over her many years of teaching, Trish has touched thousands of students focusing on their learning, specifically understanding and learning to think, NOT just memorization.
Thanks Trish for inspiring a generation of students! And while the students will certainly miss you in the classroom, we are excited that you will continue to work part-time with PhET! #ThankaTeacher
Now at our For Teachers site, we’ve added tips on how to productively guide a student’s exploration with PhET Sims. See the latest video Facilitating Activities with PhET: An Overview, and download support materials including:
Effective Facilitation of Activities in Elementary and Middle School. A detailed overview of facilitation strategies to help students work effectively on activities using PhET simulations.
PhET’s Reflection Rubric. A rubric for teachers to reflect on the success of an activity using PhET simulations in K12.