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Physics Education Technology - University of Colorado, Boulder

Archive for September, 2014

Did You Miss Trish Loeblein’s Webinar: Personal Experiences on Using PhET?

Did you miss Conifer Chemistry Teacher and PhET K12 Specialist Trish Loeblein discuss her personal experiences on how and why she uses PhET in her chemistry classroom? Over 190 listened to and chatted with Trish as she shared her strategies, course planning documents, lessons, and student handouts for regular and advanced chemistry.

See the archived version at:

 Thanks AACT and all those that attended.




Sep 30


New #HTML5 Color Vision Simulation

Color Vision Sim

Try the new #HTML5 Color Vision simulation. Make a whole rainbow by mixing red, green, and blue light. Change the wavelength of a monochromatic beam or filter white light. View the light as a solid beam, or see the individual photons.

Students will learn to:

  • Determine what color the person sees for various combinations of red, green, and blue light.
  • Describe the color of light that is able to pass through different colored filters.


Sep 25


Learn How to Use PhET to Teach the Common Core at the CCTM Annual Meeting

CCTM Annual Conference


Are you going to the CCTM Annual Meeting at the Denver Merchandise Mart?

See PhET’s Amanda McGarry talk about how to use PhET in teaching the Common Core. She will discuss how you can support students to engage in the Standards for Mathematical Practice and show ways you can incorporate sims into your teaching, engage students in inquiry-based activities, and access PhET resources for teachers, including lesson plans and videos of master teachers. See you there!

Place: CCTM Annual Meeting, Denver Merchandise Mart
September 26, 2014
Time: 1:15-2:15 PM



Sep 19


For Developers: Learn about how to integrate PhET



For software developers: our educational HTML5 apps & libraries are open source and ready to use in your projects:

Learn how to:

  1. Check out the PhET HTML5 libraries and simulations from GitHub
  2. Create new simulations
  3. Understand & customize code for our simulations
  4. Submit bug fixes for our simulations
  5. Embed a PhET simulation in your own website
  6. Use powerful libraries for rendering, audio, touch/mouse/pen input, geometry, MVC, UI and more.
  7. Communicate with PhET developers and others developing with PhET libraries


Hope to see you there!


Sep 15


New HTML5 Balancing Chemical Equations Simulation

Balancing Chemical Equation

Try the new HTML5 Balancing Chemical Equations simulation! How do you know if a chemical equation is balanced? What can you change to balance an equation? Play a game to test your ideas. Students will learn to:

  • Balance a chemical equation.
  • Recognize that the number of atoms of each element is conserved in a chemical reaction.
  • Describe the difference between coefficients and subscripts in a chemical equation.
  • Translate from symbolic to molecular representations of matter.

Thank you American Association of Chemistry Teachers for your generous donation that supported the development of the new HTML5 Balancing Chemical Equations.



Sep 8


Free New Webinar from PhET and the AACT: Tuesday, Sept. 23rd at 7 PM EDT


Teachers, join us for a free webinar with experienced high-school chemistry teacher and PhET K-12 specialist Trish Loeblein.

Sponsored by the American Association of Chemistry Teachers, this webinar will provide a more detailed look into how Trish implements PhET in her classroom, along with tips in how you can in yours.

Date: Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Time: 7 PM, Eastern Daylight Time
Register at



Sep 3