Congratulations to Conifer Chemistry Teacher and PhET K12 Specialist, Trish Loeblein, on her retirement from teaching!
Trish has been a dedicated teacher for over 30 years, and a member of the PhET team for the last 10, helping design over 50 simulations and contributing over 130 guided-inquiry-based activities along with many teacher resources! Her activities are the most popular in our database with more than 900,000 downloads in the past year. In addition, she has run numerous teacher workshops and webinars, both locally and nationally. Over her many years of teaching, Trish has touched thousands of students focusing on their learning, specifically understanding and learning to think, NOT just memorization.
Thanks Trish for inspiring a generation of students! And while the students will certainly miss you in the classroom, we are excited that you will continue to work part-time with PhET! #ThankaTeacher