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Physics Education Technology - University of Colorado, Boulder

See Prof. Mike Dubson Speaking at the Active Learning Conference in April 2012

Last Spring in Montreal, Prof. Mike Dubson gave this talk on PhET Simulations: Student Engagement and Learning. The talk is presented in five parts of six minutes each. Thanks Mike for sharing your talk!

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Dec 3


4 Comments | Add your comment ↓

  1. Isabel Janeira #

    I am very sorry but I can´t donate to PhET´s simulations. However, I use them a lot of times in my classes. I´m a teacher in Portugal (Physics & Chemistry) but the schools doesn´t have money not even to get the school in a temperature to work well. Today the temperature inside school was about 7ºC.
    As a teacher I can´t help ether.
    But you guys are doing a great job
    Best wishes

    • Thanks Isabel for using PhET! And, we hope that either the weather warms up or you get some heat.

  2. carlo #

    im using phet colorado and share it with my fellow science teachers here in Calamba City hometown of our famous Philippine National hero Dr. Jose Rizal. As you all know public schools in the our country has more desired number of students in every classroom, in our school we have an average student of 65-70 per classroom. Learning retention is quite difficult since students the room is about 48sq.m. Phet simulations can take part with this large class size because the simulations can help students understand better since they can manipulate it well. However, i wish to extend help by sharing something but our school has no budget in terms of donation since we,(our school) has been devastated by previous storm in which our school was flooded for almost three months. All I can help as of this moment is to spread the good news to my fellow teachers about Phet and the people working on it of helping producing better students in the future. More Power!!

    • Thanks for using PhET and for spreading the word on PhET. It is wonderful to hear that our sims are making a difference in your classroom.

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