Search Results
226 search results matching light sim
- Alpha Decay
- Beer's Law Lab (HTML5)
- Beer's Law Lab
- Bending Light (HTML5)
- Bending Light
- Beta Decay
- Blackbody Spectrum
- Circuit Construction Kit (AC+DC)
- Circuit Construction Kit (AC+DC), Virtual Lab
- Circuit Construction Kit (DC Only)
- Circuit Construction Kit (DC Only), Virtual Lab
- Color Vision (HTML5)
- Color Vision
- Conductivity
- Faraday's Electromagnetic Lab
- Fourier: Making Waves
- Generator
- Geometric Optics
- The Greenhouse Effect
- Isotopes and Atomic Mass
- Lasers
- Microwaves
- Models of the Hydrogen Atom
- Molecular Motors
- Molecules and Light (HTML5)
- Molecules and Light
- Neon Lights & Other Discharge Lamps
- Nuclear Fission
- Optical Quantum Control
- Optical Tweezers and Applications
- Photoelectric Effect
- Quantum Wave Interference
- Radiating Charge
- Radio Waves & Electromagnetic Fields
- Signal Circuit
- Simplified MRI
- Stretching DNA
- Wave Interference
- Molecules and Light
- Bending Light Exploration Lab
- Molecules and Light-inquiry for high school
- Molecules and Light - Guided Inquiry Activity
- Exploring How Light Behaves at Boundaries
- Bending Light -Refraction and Reflections
- Invention Lab_Wave Interference
- Light Behaves Like a Wave (sometimes...)
- Refraction Investigation
- Visualization and Visual Illusions SIM Homework
- Color Vision Sim Lab
- Wave unit (Inquiry Based)
- 분자와 빛 SIM 사용지침서
- Bending Light
- Beer's Law Lab - Guided Inquiry Activity
- Day 2: Exploring Kinds of Circuits (Series/Parallel)
- Bending Light Student Worksheet
- Bending Light Worksheet
- RGB Color
- Light Emission and Lasers
- Light and Waves E-Learning Activity
- Spectra of Light
- Wave demonstrations: water, sound, light (Inquiry Based)
- Greenhouse gases - sense making by observing photons
- Refraction of Light
- How to make a laser
- Conductivity: an inquiry activity (also uses other sims)
- PhET Inquiry - Bending Light
- Introduction to Light & Color
- Colors of Light
- How Can You Light A Bulb?
- Waves & The Electromagnetic Spectrum
- Wave Particle Duality
- Waves on a String (Inquiry Based)
- Images from Convex Lenses (Inquiry Based)
- Models of Hydrogen Exploration
- MS and HS TEK to Sim Alignment
- Total Internal Reflection
- Light and Atoms
- Light and Sound Wave Properties
- Walker Lab with Moving Man sim
- Sound Simulation Homework
- Producing Electromagnetic Radiation using a Neon
- Introduction to Discharge Lamps
- Intro to Series and Parallel Circuits
- Gravity Force Lab PreAP using HTML5 Sim
- Diffraction
- PhET Sims Aligned to the Chemistry Curriculum
- Color Vision Simulation Homework
- Circuit Construction Kit Simulation Homework
- Sound Simulation Homework II
- Blackbody Spectrum & Lasers Simulations Homework
- 분자 구성하기 SIM 사용지침서
- 분자구조 SIM 사용지침서
- 분자구조(기초) SIM 사용지침서
- 알파붕괴 SIM 사용지침서
- 온실효과 SIM 사용지침서
- 원자 만들기 SIM 사용지침서
- 줄의 피동 SIM 사용지침서
- 핵분열 SIM 사용지침서
- 흑체 스펙트럼 SIM 사용지침서
- 라디오파와 전자복사장 SIM 사용지침서
- 분수 소개 SIM 사용설명서
- 벡터 더하기 SIM 사용설명서
- 예상하기 SIM 사용설명서
- 플린코 확률 SIM 사용설명서
- Shine a Light
- Gas Properties and Balloons & Buoyancy Simulations Homework
- 분수 만들기 SIM 사용설명서
- Snell's Law and the Index of Refraction
- Curvando a luz
- Praktische opdracht breking en terugkaatsing Havo 4
- Laboratorio de Refracción
- Snell's law Lab - Inquiry based
- Ramp Activity 1: Using free body diagrams for motion on an incline (Inquiry Based)
- Ramp Activity 2: Calculating Net force on an incline (Inquiry Based)
- Collision Lab : Introduction to One Dimension collisions
- 물질의 상태(기초) SIM 사용지침서
- 분수-그림 연결 SIM 사용설명서
- 커브 핏팅 SIM 사용 설명서
- 곱셈 나눗셈 연습 SIM 사용설명서
- Exploring magnets, pickup coils and generators
- 1차 방정식의 그래프 SIM 사용지침서
- Reactants, Products and Leftovers Activity 1: Intro to Chemical Reactions and Limiting Reactants
- Nuclear Physics Simulation Homework
- Moving Man and Maze Game Simulations Homework
- Geometric Optics
- Properties of a Wave Lab
- Using PhET in High School Chemistry- all my activities in pdf
- Battery-Resistor Circuit Simulation Homework
- Investigation of a Solution’s Color (Qualitative and Quantitative) - Guided Inquiry Activity
- Induction (high school version) (Inquiry Based)
- Understanding the Photoelectric Effect
- Acid Concentration and Strength Investigation
- Fluid Pressure - an inquiry introduction
- Circuit activity 3 Combination Circuits (Inquiry Based)
- Induction (college homework version) (Inquiry Based)
- Density: How Does Density Relate to Mass &Volume and an Object's Interaction with Water?
- Seeing Colors
- Online Quiz for Build An Atom
- Gravity and Orbits-Vector Concept
- Gravity Force Investigation (AP)
- Basic Electricity: short inquiry activities includes ideas for several sims
- Neuron - an inquiry lesson idea
- Force and Motion Sim Activity
- Ohm's Law - HTML5 sim
- pH Sim Guided instruction
- 러더포드 산란 SIM 사용지침서
- 마이크로파 SIM 사용지침서
- Updated HTML Gravity Sim
- 동위원소와 원자량 SIM 사용지침서
- 밀도 SIM 사용지침서
- 반응과 반응속도 SIM 사용지침서
- 분자 극성 SIM 사용지침서
- 가역반응 SIM 사용지침서
- 기체의 설질 SIM 사용지침서
- 농도 SIM 사용지침서
- 화학반응식 완결하기 SIM 사용지침서
- 네온등과 방전램프 SIM 사용지침서
- 수소원자의 모형 SIM 사용지침서
- 원자간 상호작용 SIM 사용지침서
- 풍선과 부력 SIM 사용지침서
- 풍선과 정전기 SIM 사용지침서
- Hooke's Law (Hands-on & PhET)
- Wave Interference in 2D
- Color Vision
- Reflectioin and spherical mirror
- Exploring Equilibrium 2 (Le Chatelier's Principle)
- 산-염기 용액 SIM 사용지침서
- Tricky Dimensions – a Spin-off of a Sim
- PhET Energy Sk8r sim Activity
- 설탕과 소금 용액의 SIM 사용지침서
- Reactants, Products, and Leftovers Activity 2: Limiting Reactants in Chemical Reactions
- Build a Molecule - Molecular Formulas and Coefficients
- Electric Field Hockey Using Coulomb's Law
- What is a Fraction? Day 1 of 3
- Phase Changes using States of Matter Sim
- Phase Changes using States of Matter Sim
- 2차 방정식 그래프 작성기 SIM 사용설명서
- pH Scale inquiry-based intro to acid-base
- Electric Field Hockey Simulation Homework
- Projectile Motion Homework
- Acid-Base Macro Particulate Symbolic
- Color Vision pHet Lab
- Day 3: Conductors and Insulators
- Exploring Equilibrium
- Eating and Exercise Activity
- What is an atom?
- Solutions Unit Sample
- Graham's Law of Effusion
- Atomic Spectra and the Composition of Stars
- Photoelectric Effect Virtual Experiment
- Temperature and Luminosity of Stars: Wein's Law and the Stephan Boltzmann Law
- Blackbody Radiation updated from Michael P.
- Circuits 3 Day Unit
- Exploring Newtons' Second Law
- Radioactivity
- Pendulum Lab Learning Goals by design team (Inquiry Based)
- Photoelectric Effect
- The Greenhouse Effect PhET Simulation Lab
- Get in Motion!
- LeChateilier's Principle - Concentration
- The Greenhouse Effect
- Charge and Energy Conservation in Circuits Inquiry
- How do PhET simulations fit in my middle school program?
- Alignment of PhET sims with NGSS
- Intro to Circuits
- circuits in parallel and in series
- The Two-Slit Experiment
- Conservation of Energy (Energy Skate Park)
- Radio Waves & Electromagnetic Fields Simulation Homework
- The Fringe of Optics
- Vector Activity
- Introduction to Current, Voltage, and Resistance
- Tavurvur Volcano Erupts!
- Blackbody Spectrum Simulation Homework
- Atomic Models and Spectroscopy
- Graphing Energy at the Skate Park
- Intro to Circuits
- Unusual cases of oscillation
- Greased Lightning
- Sob Pressão
- Acid Base pH PhET Lab
- Gas Laws, Quantitative, Boyle–Mariotte law
- Gas Laws, Quantitative, Gay-Lussac's law
- Gas Laws, Quantitative, Charles' law
- Electric Field Hockey Post-Game Analysis